Simultaneous interpretation french <> english and french <> spanish
This is the final trilingual International Colloquium of the European Human Sea research programme from 15 to 17 October 2018. It is part of the fifth research theme (Work package): Towards the new law of the oceans? - Define common concepts to regulate human activities at sea.
This programme started on 1 March 2014 for a period of 5 years, is funded by an ERC Advanced Grant, (ERC-2013-AdG 340770), the development of human activities at sea-what legal framework? "For a new maritime Law ", acronym "Human Sea".
Human Sea intends to address issues linked to the development of human activities at sea, which have progressively led to a transformation of the Law of the Sea and maritime Law. Nowadays, these new activities remain poorly regulated. The objective of this programme, coordinated by Professor Patrick Chaumette, former director of the Maritime and Oceanic Law Centre (France), focuses on rebuilding the concepts born from the History of maritime activities and of navigation. It brings up questions about State intervention at sea, in its territorial sea or on the high seas. The compromises found in 1982, now embedded in the Montego Bay Convention, will also be questioned in the light of the development of new threats and techniques.
A plenary Colloquium is held on October 15th and 16th, 2018, in parallel a junior international conference is organiszed on the afternoon of Monday, October 15th and a junior national conference on Wednesday afternoon, October 17, 2018.
The Plenary Colloquium on 15th October will begin imperatively at 8:45 a., on 16th October at 9:00 am, in order to allow your registration in good conditions, the reception will start at 8:00 am on the first day, and 8:15, on the second day, thank you.
For more information on the Human Sea European research programme take a look at the website.
Registration is individual, free but requiredand, must be individual. Each participant must create its own user account on this platform. Do not forget to click on "Summary", then on " Register " at the end of the page, and finally click on "Submit" to confirm your registration .
Important : If when you filling your registration form, you don’t click 1 or 2 lunches and cruiser dinner organized during the Colloquium, and want to do it later, please send an e-mail clicking at "SUPPORT" at the bottom on left of the platform, I will cancel your registration and you will proceed again to your registration.
Speakers' abstracts will be available at a later date, a page will be created.
Financial Partners
The programme "The development of human activities at sea - What legal framework? "For a new maritime Law", acronym "Human Sea" has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's in the Seventh Framework Programme for the Reserach and Development (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement No. 340770.